Author guidelines
Full papers that will be accepted for publication in the online conference proceedings
- should be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere,
- should be original theoretical work, research papers or papers on innovative practices in education,
- should have the following structure: title, abstract, keywords, main body text, bibliography, author data. Author data include the following information: name, title, postal address, telephone number and email address. Author data should be included on a separate page, as papers will be peer reviewed anonymously.
- Research papers should include information about the theoretical framework, the research methodology and the research data.
- Papers on innovative practices in education should necessarily include information about the theoretical framework, the description of the application and/or information about the (research) tools which have been used and the research activities that have been included in the practice as well as the bibliography.
- Papers should not exceed 5.000 words in length, including the abstract, tables, graphs,images, the bibliography and appendices.
- Papers are accompanied by an abstract (100-150 words) and up to 5 keywords.
Papers to be considered for publication are submitted via the online form on in .doc(x) format.
All papers will be subject to a double-blind peer review process. Therefore, authors are requested to make sure that any personal information is omitted from theirpapers; a) when authors save the document, they should removeany personal data from the file and b)when reference is made to the author’s name in the main body text or in the bibliography, authors should replace the author’s name with the word “author”. Papers are forwarded anonymously to two peer reviewers, and when necessary to a third one. Peer reviewers are experts in the field of the paper.
Formatting guidelines
- The full text should be written in Calibri, font size 12′, with 1,15 spacing, full alignment and normal margins (left and right 3,18 cm, top and bottom 2,54 cm).
- If authors use abbreviations in the text, they should providethe full form and the abbreviated one in brackets the first time the abbreviation is used.
- Sections, subsections, etc. should be numbered in Arabic numerals, starting with 0 for the Introduction, if there is one. Section titles are written in bold (small case), subsection titles in bold italics and subsubsection titles in italics. No more than three subsubsections are used, e.g., 1.1.1
- Punctuation marks/fonts: a) double quotation marks («…») are used to quote the work of an author, b) single quotation marks (‘…’) may be used to indicate expressions not commonly accepted or expressions used metaphorically or when reference is made to an expression, c) italics are used to indicate a term or for emphasis purposes, d) bold letters are only used for titles and Table/Graph etc.captions, e) underlying should be avoided.
- Tablesshould be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbering. Table captions appear in bold (Table 1: Personal information), are aligned in the center and appear above the table. Tables should be included in the main text of the paper and should not be submitted separately.
- Images, figures and graphs are included in the main text and should be numbered consecutivelyin Arabic numbering. Captions appear in bold (Figure 1: Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs), are aligned in the center and appear above the image or the figure/graph.
- Footnotes should be avoided. If used, authors should use footnotes and not endnotes.
References & bibliography
Bibliographic references in the main text and at the end of the paper should follow the APA 7 style of referencing. Morespecifically, referencesinthetext are given in brackets and include the name of the author, publication date and page numbers, if necessary.If there are more than two authors, then citations are given in the following form: Παπαδόπουλοςκ.ά. 2015 or Tayloretal., 2009. If there is more than one reference in a citation, then author references appear in chronological order. Here are some examples:
- According to Παπαδόπουλος (1998)/According to Taylor et al. (2009)
- (Παπαδόπουλος, 1998)/(Taylor, 1998)
- (Παπαδόπουλος, 1998, 88-89)/(Taylor 1998: 25-35)
- (Ανδρέου & Βασιλείου, 1996)/(Taylor & Smith, 1995)
- (Taylor et al., 2009)
- (Παπαδόπουλος, 1998˙ Ανδρέου&Βασιλείου, 1996)/(Taylor, 1998˙ Taylor & Smith, 1995)
The bibliography should include all references cited in the main body text (and not any secondary references). References are first given in alphabetical order and then in chronological order starting from the oldest one (based on the year of publication). As for the format of the bibliography section, references are not numbered, do not appear as bullet points, do not appear in bold and there is no underlying. Attention is paid to punctuation marks. Here are some indicative examples:
- Papers in journals: Jimoyiannis, A., & Komis, V. (2006a). Exploring secondary education teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards ICT adoption in education. Themes in Education, 7(2), 181-204.
- Books: Jonassen, D.H. (2000). Computers as mind tools for schools. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Electronic sources: Mikropoulos, T. A. (2002). On the Pedagogy of Open and Distance Learning Systems. Retrieved 30 June, 2007, from
- Chapters in books: Vrachnos, E. (2008). Factors determining teachers’ beliefs and perceptions of ICT in education. In A. Cartelli & M. Palma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technology (pp. 321-334). Hershey: IGI Global.
- Papers in Conference Proceedings: Vagias, I. (1998). Conclusions from the behavior of metal structures during the Kobe earthquake. In K. T. Thomopoulos, C. K. Baniotopoulos & A. B. Avdelas (Eds.), 3rd National Conference on Iron Structures, Thessaloniki 30-31 October 1998 (pp. 303-310). Thessaloniki: Metal Works Research Company (MWRC).
Paper submission deadline: 1/7/2022